Pinterest Is My Friend!

Do you have those nights when you can’t figure out what to do for dinner? Or one of those weeks when you didn’t have time to plan your meals very well?  Well, I do! When this happens I turn to my friend Pinterest. I first look at all of my own food pins and then… Continue reading Pinterest Is My Friend!

Menus, Recipes and Grocery Lists Week 2

This weeks menu is some of our favorites that are easy to make and yummy for the tummy!  Stuffed Portabella Mushroom, Arugula Pizza, Curry Chicken, and Spicy Asian Flank Steak…YUM! As you well know, I am a cook who loves flavor and spicy so back down some on the heat in the Asian Flank Steak if you don’t… Continue reading Menus, Recipes and Grocery Lists Week 2

Menu’s and Grocery List

It has been a very busy few weeks around here. If you think when your children grow up that you will have more time….WRONG! The grandchildren come along and you get to do it all over again. This time with lots more grace and patience’s. Life is full of adventures! Now on to the menu… Continue reading Menu’s and Grocery List

Cooking 101 and Girl’s Night

Last night was girls night at my house. Mike, my husband had to work so it was a perfect night to have some girls over. Some of my friends have asked me to teach them to cook so I set up stations with written instructions and all items needed to complete there task. It didn’t… Continue reading Cooking 101 and Girl’s Night

Burger Sliders Anyone?

This past weekend was a busy one at our house! We had a birthday party on Saturday night, Mother’s Day on Sunday afternoon and an engagement party Sunday night! Whew…It was a whirlwind!  It was our daughter’s 29th birthday so I decided to have a slider burger bar for our party which meant lots of… Continue reading Burger Sliders Anyone?

Saving Money on Groceries

I am trying to do better at not spending so much at the grocery store so this week I shopped at Wal-Mart. I know some of you may stop reading at this point because you hate Wal-Mart but I have to say I saved money. I love shopping at the Fresh Market, Whole Foods and… Continue reading Saving Money on Groceries

Menus, Recipes and Grocery List

As promised I have put together a few dinners with the recipes and grocery list. When we were on Kiawah Island last weekend to see the HGTV Dream House we ate at a cute little Italian restaurant in between Kiawah Island and Seabrook Island. I had a Arugula & Prosciutto Pizza that was wonderful so… Continue reading Menus, Recipes and Grocery List

Brazilian Candy!

When our kids were in high school we usually had an exchange student live with us to help our teenagers learn to serve someone else. Teenagers can be VERY selfish and Mike and I thought this would help them die to their selfishness. Also it would help someone from another country get to experience the… Continue reading Brazilian Candy!